DVD Boot

To automate installation of Solaris from a DVD, the following trick could be used - make a profile jumpstart.tar and point to it during the install. Here are the details:

1. Create a Jumpstart client’s directory in /export/home/jumpstart

mkdir /export/home/jumpstart/client cd /export/home/jumpstart/client

2. Copy there check script from Solaris 10 DVD/s0/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample/

 cp /cdrom/sol_10_807_sparc/s0/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample/check .

3. Create sysidcfg in the client’s directory

 name_service=DNS {domain_name=domain.com
 network_interface=e1000g0 {hostname=<client_name>

4. Create rules

 arch sparc && disksize c1t0d0 25000-40000 devfsadm profile36g -
 arch sparc && disksize c1t0d0 25000-40000 && disksize c1t1d0 25000-40000 devfsadm profile36g-dual -
 arch sparc && disksize c1t0d0 60000-80000 && disksize c1t1d0 60000-80000 devfsadm profile72g-dual-flash -
 arch sparc && disksize c1t0d0 130000-150000 && disksize c1t1d0 130000-150000 devfsadm profile146g-dual -

5. Create profiles profile36g, profile36g-dual, profile72g-dual-flash, profile146g-dual

 vi profile36g
  install_type initial_install
  root_device c1t0d0s0
  filesys c1t0d0s0 2000 /
  filesys c1t0d0s1 4000 swap
  filesys c1t0d0s3 8000 /usr
  filesys c1t0d0s4 4000 /var
  filesys c1t0d0s5 8000 /opt
  filesys c1t0d0s6 8000 /export/home
  geo E_Europe
  cluster SUNWCXall
 vi profile36g-dual
  root_device c1t0d0s0
  metadb c1t0d0s7
  metadb c1t1d0s7
  filesys mirror:d10 c1t0d0s0 c1t1d0s0 2000 /
  filesys mirror:d20 c1t0d0s1 c1t1d0s1 4000 swap
  filesys mirror:d30 c1t0d0s3 c1t1d0s3 8000 /usr
  filesys mirror:d40 c1t0d0s4 c1t1d0s4 4000 /var
  filesys mirror:d50 c1t0d0s5 c1t1d0s5 8000 /opt
  filesys mirror:d60 c1t0d0s6 c1t1d0s6 8000 /export/home
  geo E_Europe
  cluster SUNWCXall
 vi profile72g-dual-flash
  install_type flash_install
  partitioning explicit
  metadb c1t0d0s7
  metadb c1t1d0s7
  filesys mirror:d10 c1t0d0s0 c1t1d0s0 2000 /
  filesys mirror:d20 c1t0d0s1 c1t1d0s1 4000 swap
  filesys mirror:d30 c1t0d0s3 c1t1d0s3 8000 /usr
  filesys mirror:d40 c1t0d0s4 c1t1d0s4 8000 /var
  filesys mirror:d50 c1t0d0s5 c1t1d0s5 20000 /opt
  filesys mirror:d60 c1t0d0s6 c1t1d0s6 27959 /export/home
  archive_location local_file /archives/image.flar
 vi profile146g-dual
  root_device c1t0d0s0
  metadb c1t0d0s7
  metadb c1t1d0s7
  filesys mirror:d10 c1t0d0s0 c1t1d0s0 2000 /
  filesys mirror:d20 c1t0d0s1 c1t1d0s1 4000 swap
  filesys mirror:d30 c1t0d0s3 c1t1d0s3 8000 /usr
  filesys mirror:d40 c1t0d0s4 c1t1d0s4 4000 /var
  filesys mirror:d50 c1t0d0s5 c1t1d0s5 20000 /opt
  filesys mirror:d60 c1t0d0s6 c1t1d0s6 97934 /export/home
  geo E_Europe
  cluster SUNWCXall

6. Create devfsadm script

 vi devfsadm
 chmod 755 devfsadm

7. Run check


8. Create jumpstart.tar

 tar -cf jumpstart.tar *

9. Copy jumpstart.tar to FTP server

10. Start Solaris install from Solaris 10 DVD

 ok boot cdrom - install ask

11. Interrupt it using Ctrl-C after URL: prompt

12. Configure IP

 ifconfig e1000g0 up
 route add default (if necessary)

13. Download jumpstart.tar from FTP into /tmp/root/etc

14. Remove tmp.sh file and resume installation pointing to jumpstart.tar

 rm /tmp/.sh
 URL: file://