One of the python development tools is Eclipse Che that relies on Keycloak for authentication, which in turn requires a postgres database. All three are bundled in k8s operator and are not-functional because of complexity of each product. Deploying each of the three products separately helps to avoid the complexity and is much more transparent. This article focuses on postgres HA cluster deployment in Kubernetes.
FROM centos:7.6.1810 LABEL "description"="PostgreSQL Database Server 12" LABEL "version"="12.2-2" RUN rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/* COPY system.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ RUN yum -y update RUN yum -y install RUN yum -y install RUN yum -y install RUN yum -y clean all RUN mkdir -p /data/postgres && chown postgres:postgres /data/postgres VOLUME /data USER postgres #CMD ["sh", "-c", "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/initdb -D /data/postgres; /usr/pgsql-12/bin/postmaster -D /data/postgres -i -h --logging_collector=FALSE --ssl_ca_file=<CA.pem> --ssl_cert_file=<ssl.crt> --ssl_ciphers=HIGH --ssl_key_file=<ssl.key> --ssl_min_protocol_version=TLSv12 --unix_socket_directories="] CMD ["sh", "-c", "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/initdb -D /data/postgres; /usr/pgsql-12/bin/postmaster -D /data/postgres -i -h --logging_collector=FALSE --unix_socket_directories="] docker build -t=postgresql:12.2-2 . docker tag postgresql:12.2-2 nexus:8443/repository/docker-repo/postgresql:12.2-2 docker login nexus:8443 docker push docker logout nexus:8443
To accomplish HA, we use k8s !StatefulSet with 2 node-antiaffinity replicas and a headless Service plus Openstack Cinder persistent volumeClaimTemplates. !InitContainer will help running initdb and pg_basebackup that is necessary to establish the replication. Since the focus is on HA rather than performance, we use synchronous streaming replication waiting for standby server to acknowledge a transaction (‘remote_apply’). As usual we keep config files (postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf) and script in k8s !ConmigMaps and postgres password (.pgpass and pwfile files) in k8s Secrets. Here is the complete yaml template (postgres.yaml) of postgres HA cluster.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: postgres spec: type: "ClusterIP" clusterIP: None selector: app: postgres ports: - port: 5432 sessionAffinity: "ClientIP" sessionAffinityConfig: clientIP: timeoutSeconds: 3600 --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: postgres labels: app: postgres spec: replicas: 2 selector: matchLabels: app: postgres serviceName: postgres template: metadata: name: postgres labels: app: postgres spec: affinity: podAntiAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - postgres topologyKey: "" weight: 50 initContainers: - name: init image: nexus:8443/repository/docker-repo/postgresql:12.2-2 securityContext: runAsUser: 0 resources: limits: cpu: 100m memory: 200Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi env: - name: PGDATA value: "/data/postgres" args: ["sh", "/tmp/"] volumeMounts: - name: "postgres-dbinit" mountPath: "/tmp/" subPath: "" - name: "pwfile" mountPath: "/tmp/pwfile.txt" subPath: "pwfile.txt" - name: "pgpass" mountPath: "/tmp/.pgpass" subPath: ".pgpass" - name: "postgres" mountPath: "/data" containers: - name: postgres image: nexus:8443/repository/docker-repo/postgresql:12.2-2 ports: - name: postgres containerPort: 5432 resources: limits: cpu: 2 memory: 1Gi requests: cpu: 1 memory: 500Mi env: - name: PGDATA value: "/data/postgres" - name: PGPASSFILE value: "/data/postgres/.pgpass" args: ["sh", "-c", "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/postmaster -D $(PGDATA) -i -h --logging_collector=FALSE --unix_socket_directories="] volumeMounts: - name: "postgresql-conf" mountPath: "/data/postgres/postgresql.conf" subPath: "postgresql.conf" - name: "pg-hba-conf" mountPath: "/data/postgres/pg_hba.conf" subPath: "pg_hba.conf" - name: "postgres" mountPath: "/data" volumes: - name: "postgres-dbinit" configMap: name: "postgres-dbinit" - name: "pwfile" secret: secretName: "postgres-pwfile" items: - key: "pwfile" mode: 0400 path: "pwfile.txt" optional: false - name: "pgpass" secret: secretName: "postgres-pgpass" items: - key: ".pgpass" mode: 0400 path: ".pgpass" optional: false - name: "postgresql-conf" configMap: name: "postgresql-conf" items: - key: "postgresql.conf" mode: 0644 path: "postgresql.conf" optional: false - name: "pg-hba-conf" configMap: name: "pg-hba-conf" items: - key: "pg_hba.conf" mode: 0644 path: "pg_hba.conf" optional: false volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: postgres spec: resources: requests: storage: 1Gi limits: storage: 2Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: cinder --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: pg-hba-conf namespace: default data: pg_hba.conf: | host all postgres trust host replication postgres password hostnossl all all scram-sha-256 hostssl all all password --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: postgresql-conf namespace: default data: postgresql.conf: | max_connections = 100 # (change requires restart) shared_buffers = 128MB # min 128kB dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix # the default is the first option max_wal_size = 1GB min_wal_size = 80MB log_destination = 'stderr' # Valid values are combinations of logging_collector = off # Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog datestyle = 'iso, mdy' timezone = 'UTC' lc_messages = 'C' # locale for system error message lc_monetary = 'C' # locale for monetary formatting lc_numeric = 'C' # locale for number formatting lc_time = 'C' # locale for time formatting default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english' #archive_mode = on #wal_level = replica #primary_conninfo = 'host=postgres-0.postgres.default.svc.cluster.local port=5432 user=postgres passfile=/var/lib/pgsql/.pgpass dbname=replication replication=on' #primary_slot_name = 'replication_slot' synchronous_standby_names = '*' synchronous_commit = 'remote_apply' ---
The script that runs inside !InitContainer is kept in postgres-dbinit !ConfigMap
cat #!/usr/bin/bash #sleep 5m if [[ ! -d ${PGDATA} ]]; then mkdir ${PGDATA} chmod 750 ${PGDATA} chown postgres:postgres ${PGDATA} fi cp /tmp/pwfile.txt /var/lib/pgsql/pwfile chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/pwfile cp /tmp/.pgpass ${PGDATA}/.pgpass chown postgres:postgres ${PGDATA}/.pgpass HOSTNAME=`hostname` if [[ "${HOSTNAME}" == "postgres-0" ]]; then su postgres -c "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/initdb -D ${PGDATA} --pwfile=/var/lib/pgsql/pwfile" else su postgres -c "pg_basebackup -w -R -X stream -C -S replication_slot -d 'host=postgres-0.postgres.default.svc.cluster.local port=5432 user=postgres passfile=/data/postgres/.pgpass' -D ${PGDATA}" fi kubectl create cm postgres-dbinit
Secrets (.pgfile and pwfile) are created using kubectl commands:
openssl rand -base64 -out pwfile 32 kubectl create secret generic postgres-pwfile --from-file=pwfile kubectl create secret generic postgres-pgpass --from-file=.pgpass
.pgpass has the following format ( hostname:port:database:username:password
So we use this:
PGPASSFILE env var is set to /data/postgres/.pgpass
To deploy the postgres HA cluster, once the above !ConfigMap and Secrets are in place, just run
kubectl apply -f postgres.yaml