
Internet Protocol version 6 is defined by RFC 2460 published in 1998, 15 years after the first deployment of IPv4.

The main advantage is the address length - 128 bits or 4 times longer than IPv4. Other enhancements:

IPv6 is not interoperable with IPv4. To exchange information, some methods exist: NAT64 and tunneling 6to4, 6in4 or Teredo.

Loopback address is ::1.

A link-local 64-bit address is created by prefixing 16 bits fe80::/10 to a 48-bit MAC address. It is unique within the 64-bit subnet only.

A global address is configured by prefixing the link-local address by a 64-bit network prefixes supplied by a router.

IPv6 Header

Version Traffic Class Flow Label Payload Length Next Header Hop Limit Source IP Destination IP Options

The Next Header field indicates if there are Options or the Protocol in the payload.

There is no checksum protection any more; hence, a router does not need to recalculate it after changing the TTL, which in IPv6 is called Hop Limit. MTU can be as large as 4GB.