For more details, see
Jumpstart Install/Boot Server This procedure works when the install/boot server is located on the same LAN as the jumpstart client. It is possible to install Solaris when a server and a client are located on different networks or even over WAN using http(s) protocol in a secure manner. This page however does not cover such scenario.
1. Make a directory for DVD Solaris 10 05/08 image
# mkdir -p /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd
2. Copying the image there from a DVD
# lofiadm -a /export/home/jumpstart/sol-10-u5-ga-sparc-dvd.iso # mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt # cd /mnt/Solaris_10/Tools # ./setup_install_server /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd
3. Making client’s install directory:
# mkdir /export/home/jumpstart/<client_name>
4. Adding the client for installing from the same network (LAN)
./add_install_client -i -e 0:14:4f:cb:86:4e \ -s \ -t /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot \ -с<client_name> -p<clinet_name> <client_name> sun4v where -i is IP of the client -e - its MAC address -s - path to the Solaris 10 DVD image made in step 2 -t - local miniroot -c - jumpstart server and a directory, where rules.ok and profiles files are located -p - sysidcfg server and a directory where sysidcfg file is located
last two arguments are the client’s name and its platform.
-c and -p arguments may be omitted if a path to jumpstart.tar file is included with
boot net - install nfs://server/jumpstart.tar
command. They could also be omitted for x86 platforms in lieu of grub -B arguments install_config and sysid_config.
Interesting to note that -с option does not work for sparc platform. We still need to provide the url for install parameter in
boot net - install [url|ask]
For x86 machines (i86pc platform), parameters for an IP address, a client’s name and the miniroot are not used. Instead we should use -d option to indicate that a client will be configured via DHCP (rather than RARP).
For x86 clients that are booted via PXE, we should configure a Sun dhcp server with the following macro
PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001: BootSrvA: BootFile: SUNW.i86pc
and use the following command when adding a client
# ./add_install_client -d -s \ -с<client_name> -p<client_name> SUNW.i86pc i86pc
For x86 clients for Solaris 10 01/06 and above grub does not use a DHCP vendor class SUNW.i86pc. Therefore, we should configure such clients with the following command
# ./add_install_client -d -e 0:e0:81:31:a8:ea -s \ -c \ -p i86pc
and use the following DHCP marco
0100E08131A8EA: Boot server IP (BootSrvA) : Boot file (BootFile) : 0100E08131A8EA
For more information see install_scripts(1M) or
# man install_scripts
The above Sun DHCP “standard” options are fields, which are found be a fixed offset into a dhcp packet. I couldn’t find a way to define such options in non-Solaris DHCP server.
5. Exporting /export/home/jumpstart
# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab # share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/home/jumpstart # shareall
6. Copying /mnt/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample/check into client’s directory
# cd /export/home/jumpstart/<client_name> # cp /mnt/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample/check .
7. In client’s folder create sysidcfg
# vi sysidcfg name_service=DNS { name_server=,,} network_interface=bge0 {hostname=<client_name> ip_address= netmask= protocol_ipv6=no default_route=} root_password=********* security_policy=NONE system_locale=C terminal=vt100 timezone=Canada/Mountain timeserver=localhost nfs4_domain=dynamic
8. Create rules file and two profiles (one for creating flash archive, another for installing from the archive).
Note that if an automatic hardware RAID creation is required, then
probe lsi
statement must be added into the rules file.
The appropriate custom probes and format commands scripts must be included in to the tarball.
# vi rules arch sparc && disksize c0t0d0 140000-160000 devfsadm profile160g - # vi defvsadm #!/bin/sh /usr/sbin/devfsadm # chmod 755 devfsadm # vi profile160g install_type initial_install root_device c0t0d0s0 filesys c0t0d0s0 2000 / filesys c0t0d0s1 4000 swap filesys c0t0d0s3 8000 /usr filesys c0t0d0s4 8000 /var filesys c0t0d0s5 20000 /opt filesys c0t0d0s6 110560 /export/home geo N_America cluster SUNWCXall # ./check # tar -cf client.tar rules.ok devfsadm profile160g sysidcfg # vi rules arch sparc && disksize c0t0d0 140000-160000 devfsadm profile160g-flash - # vi profile160g-flash install_type flash_install partitioning explicit filesys c0t0d0s0 2000 / filesys c0t0d0s1 4000 swap filesys c0t0d0s3 8000 /usr filesys c0t0d0s4 8000 /var filesys c0t0d0s5 20000 /opt filesys c0t0d0s6 110560 /export/home archive_location nfs://<client_name>/client.flar # ./check # tar -cf client-flash.tar rules.ok devfsadm profile160g-flash sysidcfg
These profiles cover only single 160GB IDE disk drive.
9. To make the flash archive, client.tar, we could use the following procedure on the client:
ok boot net - install nfs://<client_name>/cleint.tar
Install Companion DVD (download iso image into /var/spool/pkg):
# lofiadm -a /var/spool/pkg/sol-10-08_07-u4-companion-ga.iso # mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt # vi /var/tmp/admin mail= conflict=nocheck setuid=nocheck action=nocheck partial=nocheck instance=overwrite idepend=nocheck rdepend=nocheck space=check # cd /mnt/Solaris_Software_Companion/Solaris_sparc/Packages # pkgadd -a /var/tmp/admin -d `pwd`install Recommended Patch cluster (download zip file into /var/spool/pkg) # shutdown -is -g0 -y # cd /var/spool/pkg # unzip -q # cd 10_Recommended # ./install_cluster # shutdown -i6 -g0 -y Install necessary packages if any # shutdown -is -g0 -y # rm -rf /var/spool/pkg/* # flar create -n Solaris_10-05_08-client -c /tmp/client.flar # exit # scp /tmp/client.flar<client_name>
10. Boot the client from the network and point it to the jumpstart profile
ok boot net - install nfs://<client_name>/client-flash.tar
In case of x86 clients, we boot them via PXE, modifying BIOS settings if necessary and changing grub agruments as following (add “ - install [url]” and possible -B install_config=<path>/sysid_config=<path>)
kernel /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/multiboot kernel/unix \ - install [nfs://] \ -B install_config=,\ sysid_config=,\ install_media=,\ install_boot=