Solaris Packages

Brief Solaris Packages Guide

For more details, see Application Packaging Developer's Guide

Here is the minimum number of actions required to create a Solaris package:

1. Generate file prototype that has information about package content:

# cd ~/pkg
# pkgproto . > prototype

2. Create file pkginfo

# vi pkginfo

NAME=My package Description

3. Add the following line into prototype

i pkginfo=pkginfo

4. Run pkgmk in the same directory where prototype is or use -f <path_to_prototype> options. You may use -r option if you know where the packet is to be installed, otherwise, pkgadd will ask about the root directory.

# pkgmk -b ~/pkg -d ~ -o

5. Create an archive of the package in ~

# cd ~
# tar -cf CREApkg-1.2.3.tar CREApkg
# gzip CREApkg-1.2.3.tar

6. To install the package

# gunzip CREApkg-1.2.3.tar.gz
# tar -xf CREApkg-1.2.3.tar
# pkadd -d . CREApkg