Jumpstart Profiles

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See Profile Keywords and Values

Disk partitions

This covers disk partitioning for jumpstart profiles.

In a profile file disk slices are in megabytes where 1 MB = 1024 KB, 1 KB = 1024 bytes. During disk formating, slice size is rounded to the whole cylinders. The cylinder consists of a number of 512-byte sectors and a number of heads. For example, Sun’s 72GB disk has a cylinder equaled to 424 sectors and 24 heads or 24 * 424 * 512 = 5,088 KB or 4.96875 MB. 146GB disk doubles the number of sectors (the number of cylinders is the same - 14,087)

If we use Solaris Volume Manager, then we need to account for metadb slices. By default, Solaris creates 3 replicas on each slice. Minimum size for one replica is 4MB, therefore, three of them take 12MB. Hence, on 72GB disk drive it takes 3 cylinders but on 146GB disk - only 2.

For x86 machines, we need to add one more cylinder for a boot partition.

To avoid wasting disk space due to unused cylinders, we need to count them and translate them into MBs. For example, if we need to create 2000MB slice on 72GB disk, then it would take 2000MB / 4.96875 = 403 cylinder. The last slice would take all unused cylinders.

For example, for 72GB disk we have

File system Required Size S, MB Number of cylinders, N = S / 4.96875Actual Size, N * 4.96875, MB
swap 4,0008064,005
/usr 8,0001,6118,005
/var 8,0001,6118,005
/opt 20,0004,02620,005
metadb 12315
/export/home the rest 14,087 - (403 + 806 + 1611 + 1611 + 4026 + 3) = 5,62727,959
 root_device c0t0d0s0
 metadb c0t0d0s7
 metadb c0t1d0s7
 filesys mirror:d10 c0t0d0s0 c0t1d0s0 2000 /
 filesys mirror:d20 c0t0d0s1 c0t1d0s1 4000 swap
 filesys mirror:d30 c0t0d0s3 c0t1d0s3 8000 /usr
 filesys mirror:d40 c0t0d0s4 c0t1d0s4 8000 /var
 filesys mirror:d50 c0t0d0s5 c0t1d0s5 20000 /opt
 filesys mirror:d60 c0t0d0s6 c0t1d0s6 27959 /export/home

For 146GB disk we have

File system Required Size S, MB Number of cylinders, N = S / 9.9375Actual Size, N * 9.9375, MB
swap 4,0004034,005
/usr 8,0008068,010
/var 8,0008068,010
/opt 20,0002,01320,004
metadb 12220
/export/home the rest 14,087 - (202 + 403 + 806 + 806 + 2,013 + 2) = 9,85597,934
 root_device c0t0d0s0
 metadb c0t0d0s7
 metadb c0t1d0s7
 filesys mirror:d10 c0t0d0s0 c0t1d0s0 2000 /
 filesys mirror:d20 c0t0d0s1 c0t1d0s1 4000 swap
 filesys mirror:d30 c0t0d0s3 c0t1d0s3 8000 /usr
 filesys mirror:d40 c0t0d0s4 c0t1d0s4 8000 /var
 filesys mirror:d50 c0t0d0s5 c0t1d0s5 20000 /opt
 filesys mirror:d60 c0t0d0s6 c0t1d0s6 97934 /export/home

For 160GB SATA (cyl x sec x head = 65533 x 298 x 16) we have

File system Required Size S, MB Number of cylinders, N = S / 2.328125Actual Size, N * 2.328125, MB
swap 4,0001,7194,002
/usr 8,0003,4378,002
/var 8,0003,4378,002
/opt 20,0008,59120,001
/export/home the rest 65,533 - (860 + 1,719 + 3,437 + 3,437 + 8,591) = 47,489110,560
 root_device c0t0d0s0
 filesys c0t0d0s0 2000 /
 filesys c0t0d0s1 4000 swap
 filesys c0t0d0s3 8000 /usr
 filesys c0t0d0s4 8000 /var
 filesys c0t0d0s5 20000 /opt
 filesys c0t0d0s6 110560 /export/home