WAN Boot

See Part III Installing Over a Wide Area Network in Solaris 10 5/08 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations

Solaris Jumpstart Wanboot is a method of installing Solaris OS over Wide Area Network using http(s) protocol. Given a fast Internet connection, a Sun server may be installed from a remote site, where Wanboot/Install server is located.

Wanboot Server

A WAN Boot server can be a server running Solaris with a web service that supports cgi. In this example, we use a machine that runs Solaris 9 and apache 2.2.9.

The limitation on the Solaris OS comes from the fact that Sun provides cgi binaries compiled for Solaris only. Assuming that both SPARC and x86 versions of these binaries are available, one can deploy Wanboot/Install server on a field laptop in VMWare environment. On the other hand, such approach would not make much sense since Solaris Jumpstart LAN Boot is far more convenient.

WAN Boot server is better suited for clients who have fast Internet access from their sites.

1. On the WAN Boot server, create a directory where we put Solaris DVD image, for example

 mkdir -p /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd

2. Insert Solaris 10 05/08 install DVD into the server and copy Solaris image from the DVD using the following commands:

 cd /cdrom/sol_10_508_sparc/s0/Solaris_10/Tools
 ./setup_install_server /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd

3. Patch the miniroot with the latest kernel patch. We downloaded 137111-04 patch into /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd/Solaris 10/Patches, then we ran patchadd command (the success in patching miniroot lies in having the system itself patched with the latest patches and the machine should probably have the same architecture):

 patchadd -C /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot -n -d -M /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd/Solaris 10/Patches 137111-04

4. Install wanboot miniroot into the directory accessible by the web server (-w argument), for example:

 cd /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd/Solaris_10/Tools
 ./setup_install_server -w /export/home/jumpstart/jumpstart /tmp/bla
 Verifying target directory...
 Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_10 product
 Calculating space required for the installation boot image
 Copying the CD image to disk...
 Copying Install Boot Image hierarchy...
 Starting WAN boot Image build
 Calculating space required for WAN boot Image
 Copying WAN boot Image hierarchy...
 730944 blocks
 Removing unneeded packages from WAN boot Image hierarchy
 Creating the WAN boot Image file
 Image size is 302276608 bytes
 Copying WAN boot to Image file...
 608032 blocks
 WAN boot Image creation complete        The WAN boot Image file has been placed in
                /export/home/jumpstart/miniroot        Ensure that you move this file to a location
        accessible to the web server, and that the
        WAN boot configuration file wanboot.conf(4)
        for each WAN boot client contains the entries:                root_server=<URL>
                        where <URL> is an HTTP or HTTPS URL
                        scheme pointing to the location of the
                        WAN boot CGI program                root_file=<miniroot>
                        where <miniroot> is the path and file
                        name, relative to the web server
                        document directory, of 'miniroot'        You should also make sure you have initialized
        the key generation process by issuing (once):                # /usr/sbin/wanbootutil keygen -m Install Server setup complete

5. Remove temporary files

 rm -rf /tmp/bla/
 cd /export/home/jumpstart/jumpstart
 rm -rf interim_dir interim_file mnt.munix

Virtual apache host

6. Now create the virtual apache host for installing Solaris over http. Please note that apache configuration is site specific. Use this paragraph as an example only. You may need to check for large file support in apache. If it is not compiled in, then a wanboot client will have a problem downloading a flash archive that is over 2GB - the limit for a 32-bit application that does not support large files. BY default, apache on Solaris 9, for example, does not support large files.

 mkdir /export/home/jumpstart/cgi-bin 
 cd /usr/local/apache/conf
 vi httpd.conf
  ServerName server.domain.com:80
  ServerAdmin root@domain.com  
  User nobody
  Group nobody  
  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/export/home/jumpstart/cgi-bin/"  
  Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 
 vi extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
  <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin root@invidi.com
    DocumentRoot /export/home/jumpstart
    ServerName wanboot.domain.com
    ErrorLog /var/apache/logs/wanboot.domain.com-error_log
    CustomLog /var/apache/logs/wanboot.domain.com-access_log common    
    <Directory /export/home/jumpstart>
       Options None
       AllowOverride None
       Order deny,allow
       Allow from any
    <IfModule alias_module>
       ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /export/home/jumpstart/cgi-bin/
    <Directory /export/home/jumpstart/cgi-bin>
       AllowOverride None
       Options None
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
 /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -t
 /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start

7. Copying wanboot-cgi and bootlog-cgi in cgi-bin

 cp /usr/lib/inet/wanboot/wanboot-cgi /export/home/jumpstart/cgi-bin
 cp /usr/lib/inet/wanboot/bootlog-cgi /export/home/jumpstart/cgi-bin
 chmod 755 /export/home/jumpstart/cgi-bin/wanboot-cgi
 chmod 755 /export/home/jumpstart/cgi-bin/bootlog-cgi

The log file can be found in /tmp/bootlog.<client-name> on the wanboot server

8. The following directory structure must be created on the wanboot server

 /etc/netboot <- this is where non-client-ID non-network specific files are placed
 /etc/netboot<ip-net> <- this is where network specific files are located
 /etc/netboot<ip-net>/<client-ID> <- this is where we put files for a given client (<client-ID> is client's MAC address prefixed with "01")

For example,

 mkdir -p /etc/netboot/
 chown -R nobody:nobody /etc/netboot
 chmod -R 700 /etc/netboot

9. Optionally, generate master key for the wanboot server, which will be stored in /etc/netboot/keystore.

 su - nobody
 $ wanbootutil keygen -m
 The master HMAC/SHA1 key has been generated

If this is not done, then the following should be entered in wanboot.conf


10. Optionally, generate client’s keys. They are used for verification of server signing (HMAC) and decryption (3DES, AES). Option “-d” allows to display a key for subsequent writing into OBP variables on a client. If the keys are not used, then see the previous paragraph for the modifications to wanboot.conf file.

It is not possible to use keys when installing Solaris LDoms with Wanboot.

 $ wanbootutil keygen -c -o net=,cid=0100144FCB864E,type=sha1
 A new client HMAC/SHA1 key has been generated 
 $ wanbootutil keygen -d -c -o net=,cid=0100144FCB864E,type=sha1
 $ wanbootutil keygen -c -o net=,cid=0100144FCB864E,type=3des
 A new client 3DES key has been generated 
 $ wanbootutil keygen -d -c -o net=,cid=0100144FCB864E,type=3des
 $ exit

11. Create sysidcfg, rules and profiles as usual, check and archive them in a location accessible by the web server. For example,

 mkdir /export/home/jumpstart/client
 cd /export/home/jumpstart/client
 vi sysidcfg 
       name_service=DNS {domain_name=domain.com
  network_interface=bge0 {hostname=client
 vi rules 
  arch sparc && disksize c0t0d0 150000-170000 devfsadm profile160g-flash - 
 vi devfsadm
 chmod 755 devfsadm 
 vi profile160g-flash
  install_type flash_install
  partitioning explicit
  filesys c0t0d0s0 2000 /
  filesys c0t0d0s1 4000 swap
  filesys c0t0d0s3 8000 /usr
  filesys c0t0d0s4 8000 /var
  filesys c0t0d0s5 20000 /opt
  filesys c0t0d0s6 110560 /export/home
  archive_location http://wanboot.domain.com/client/client.flar
 cp /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample/check .
 tar -cf client.tar sysidcfg rules.ok profile160g-flash devfsadm 

12. Copy a flash archive in /export/home/jumpstart/client

  1. cp /export/home/jumpstart/client/client.flar /export/home/jumpstart/client

For information on how to create flash archives, see Solaris Jumpstart LAN Boot

13. Copying boot loader from patched miniroot for a given client’s platform into a directory, accessible by the web server

 cp /export/home/jumpstart/sol_10_05-08_dvd/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot/platform/sun4v/wanboot /export/home1/sw/jumpstart/wanboot.sun4v

14. Create wanboot.conf file and put it into the client’s netboot directory

 vi /etc/netboot/ root_server=http://wanboot.domain.com/cgi-bin/wanboot-cgi

WAN Boot client

15. From the OBP ok prompt, set the following variables (for key values, see wanbootutil -d util above)

 ok set-security-key wanboot-hmac-sha1 b482aaab82cb8d5631e16d51478c90079cc1d463
 ok set-security-key wanboot-3des 9ebc7a57f240e97c9b9401e9d3ae9b292943d3c143d07f04
 ok setenv network-boot-arguments host-ip=,subnet-mask=,router-ip=,hostname=<client_name>,file=

16. Install the client using “boot net” command:

 ok boot net - install http://wanboot.domain.com/client/client.tar